2020 started with a very positive note for The House of Fibre and his mohair farmers. Good summer rains have fallen in most of the production area, although the drought is not broken yet. The House of Fibre offered 70% of the total offering of the first sale of the season, but the best news is the fact that the market opened in a very positive way, with the complete offering sold at R 233 .23/kg average. That is a 4% increase on the previous winter sale in December 2019, but still 16% shy of the R279.92/kg in February 2019. The tendency of the previous winter season is continuing with the emphasis on microns and fineness. The EGT clips should benefit out of this. For instance, the best price of the day at House of Fibre was for a 23-micron, 89% clean yield bin at R530.00/kg, but a D-length, 21-micron bin sold for R505.20! Strong adults were the only category without a price increase. Mohair farmers that farm with wool sheep must apply at their field officer as quickly as possible to be inspected as RWS sustainable, there is only 6 months left!
This report was compiled by Pierre van der Vyver, General Manager: The House of Fibre
2020 begin op ‘n baie goeie noot vir The House of Fibre en sy sybokhaarboere. Goeie somer reënval het oor die grootste deel van die produksie gebied geval, alhoewel die droogte nog nie gebreek is nie. The House of Fibre het 70% van die totale aanbod op die eerste veiling aangebied, maar die beste nuus is dat die hele aanbod verkoop het teen R 233 .23/kg gemiddeld, wat ‘n verbetering is van 4% op die vorige winter veiling in Desember 2019. Dit is egter nog 16% kort van die goeie gemiddeld van R279.92/kg van Februarie 2019! Die klem op mikrons en fynheid van die winterseisoen word voortgesit, met veral EGT getoetsde skeersels wat daaruit sal baat. Die hoogste prys van die dag by House of Fibre was vir ‘n bin van 23 mikron en 89% skoonopbrengs @ R530.00/kg! Daar het egter ook ‘n D-lengte bin van 21 mikron verkoop teen R505.20/kg! Sterk grootbokke was die enigste ouderdomsgroep wat nie gebaat het op die prysstyging nie. Bokhaar boere wat ook met wolskape boer moet so gou as moontlik by hulle veld beampte aansoek doen om besoek te word om as RWS volhoubaar ge-ondersoek te word, daar is slegs 6 maande oor!
Hierdie verslag is saamgestel deur Pierre van der Vyver, Algemene Bestuurder: The House of Fibre.




KIDS : R 433. 60 (+3 %)
YOUNG GOATS : R 274. 62 (+5 %)
ADULTS : R 200. 38 (+2 %)
AVERAGE : R 233. 23 (+4 %)




SOLD : 193
CLEARED : 100%




24/5 MIC : R 505. 00
26/7 MIC : R 478. 00
28/9 MIC : R 330. 00
30/1 MIC : R 295. 00
32/3 MIC : R 212. 00
34/5/6 MIC : R 196. 00
37/8 MIC : R 188. 00




23-27µ Summer Kids / Somer Kleinbokke:


The House of Fibre Binning: R 530.00 /kg
The House of Fibre Binning: R 528.90 /kg
The House of Fibre Binning: R 528.00 /kg
GG Kemp, Cathcart: R 521.00 /kg
The House of Fibre Binning: R 517.90 /kg


Summer Kids Average Price Value / Gemiddelde prys waarde van Somer Kleinbokke: R 506. 00 /kg


25-30µ Young Goats offered as Winter Kids / Jongbokke aangebied as Winterkleinbokkies:


GG Kemp, Cathcart: R 522.60 /kg
The House of Fibre Binning: R 518.00 /kg
GJ Smith, Willowmore: R 512.10 /kg
The House of Fibre Binning: R 508.00 /kg
B Weyers – Henderson, Somerset East / Oos: R 500.00 /kg


Winter Kids Average Price Value / Gemiddelde prys waarde van Kleinbokke: R 482 .00 /kg 


28-34µ Summer Young Goats / Somer Jongbokke:


GG Kemp, Cathcart: R 435.10 /kg
Wienand Farming cc, Somerset East / Oos: R 361.00 /kg
D Smith, Willowmore: R 339.00 /kg
The House of Fibre Binning: R 337.30 /kg
The House of Fibre Binning: R 327.10 /kg


Summer Young Goats Average Price Value / Gemiddelde prys waarde van Jongbokke: R 297 .00 /kg /kg


28 – 34μ Adult offered as Winter Young Goats / Grootbokke aangebied as Winter Jongbokke:


GG Kemp, Cathcart: R 327.20 /kg
B Weyer – Henderson, Somerset East / Oos: R 318.10 /kg
David Short Farming cc, Graaf – Reinet: R 312.10 /kg
The House of Fibre Binning: R 308.00 /kg
WA Porter, Tarkastad: R 308.00 /kg

Winter Young Goats Average Price Value / Gemiddelde prys waarde van Jongbokke: R 272 .00 /kg


30-40μ Adult Goats / Grootbokke:


Longacres cc, Graaf – Reinet: R 315.10 /kg
GG Kemp, Cathcart: R 315.10 /kg
HW Troskie, Somerset East / Oos: R 315.10 /kg
Ernest Botha Boerdery BK, Pearston: R 315.10 /kg
JW Truter, Somerset East / Oos: R 310.00 /kg
JH Bosch, Somerset East / Oos: R 294.10 /kg

Adult Goats Average Price Value / Gemiddelde prys waarde van Grootbokke: R 288.00 /kg