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Mohair News & Insights

Interior of a large warehouse filled with rows of bags filled with wool cuttings.

The Effects of Lockdown - House of Fibre

The current turmoil around the Coronavirus left no business unscathed. This situation is unfortunate, but nobodies' fault. The solution is to adhere to the action taken and to help each other.

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Four individuals standing behind a burlap sack filled with mohair cuttings, placed in front of a small wall sign featuring the words

House of Fibre breaking barriers in mohair industry

With less than a year in the mohair industry, The House of Fibre is already breaking barriers and setting new boundaries[...]

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Group of five individuals smiling at the camera, kneeling and standing around a large woolly Angora ram at a livestock show. The background features a sign with multiple logos of The House of Fibre.

Prince Albert Mohair Farmer Excels

The breeders of the best mohair clip in the world, Jordi and Gay van Hasselt from Prince Albert turned the world upside down on Thursday.

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Nabyfoto van twee jutesakke gemerk

The House of Fibre: ‘n Nuwe rolspeler in die sybokhaarbedryf

Rolspelers in die sybokhaarbedryf het onlangs 'n nuwe onafhanklike makelaar, The House of Fibre, bekendgestel.

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